The installation and setup guide of Nemesida WAF Scanner module, which is intended to detect vulnerabilities in the protected web application.

Nemesida WAF Scanner setup

The Nemesida WAF Scanner module is designed to detect web vulnerabilities in protected web applications. For correct work of the Nemesida WAF Scanner module, you need to provide access to the web application bypassing the Nemesida WAF.

For security reasons, it is recommended to allow access for the server with the Nemesida WAF Scanner component only to scanned web applications and external resources.

Module installation on the server:

# apt install apt-transport-https gnupg2 curl
Debian 11
# echo "deb bullseye non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/NemesidaWAF.list
# curl -s | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg --import
# chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg
# apt update && apt upgrade
Debian 12
# echo "deb bookworm nwaf" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/NemesidaWAF.list
# curl -s | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg --import
# chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg
# apt update && apt upgrade
# apt install python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev postgresql-server-dev-all dmidecode
# apt install nwaf-scanner

The following PIP packages are additionally installed during module installation:
beautifulsoup4 cdifflib chardet logutils psutil psycopg2-binary pyparsing PyYAML requests soupsieve termcolor url-normalize

# apt install apt-transport-https gnupg2 curl
Ubuntu 20.04
# echo "deb [arch=amd64] focal non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/NemesidaWAF.list
# wget -O- | apt-key add -
# apt update && apt upgrade
# apt install python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev postgresql-server-dev-all dmidecode
Ubuntu 22.04
# echo "deb [arch=amd64] jammy non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/NemesidaWAF.list
# curl -s | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg --import
# chmod 644 /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/trusted.gpg 
# apt update && apt upgrade
# apt install python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev postgresql-server-dev-all dmidecode
# apt install nwaf-scanner

The following PIP packages are additionally installed during module installation:
beautifulsoup4 cdifflib chardet logutils psutil psycopg2-binary pyparsing PyYAML requests soupsieve termcolor url-normalize

Configure the SELinux policy or deactivate it with the command:

# setenforce 0

then bring the file /etc/selinux/config to the form:

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of three two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected processes are protected.
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.
CentOS 8 Stream
Connect additional repositories and install the necessary dependencies:

# rpm -Uvh
# dnf update
# dnf install python39 python39-pip gcc python39-devel postgresql-devel
# dnf install nwaf-scanner
CentOS 9 Stream
Connect additional repositories and install the necessary dependencies:

# rpm -Uvh
# dnf update
# dnf install python3 python3-pip gcc python3-devel postgresql-devel
# dnf install nwaf-scanner

The following PIP packages are additionally installed during module installation:
beautifulsoup4 cdifflib chardet logutils psutil psycopg2-binary pyparsing PyYAML requests soupsieve termcolor url-normalize

Information about using Nemesida WAF in a Docker container is available in the corresponding section.

Add the necessary changes to the main configuration file /opt/nws/main.conf to set up the module.

main.conf settings
Default parameters
Parameter description

Main section.
Parameter for specifying the license key of the Nemesida WAF Scanner module. In case the license key is not detected or is invalid, the module launch will end with the corresponding error.

Configure of the proxy server address for accessing to (checking of the license key).


sys_proxy =

It is allowed to use authentication parameters when using a proxy server.


sys_proxy = http://<user>:<password>
Configure of the proxy server address for accessing to Nemesida WAF API.


api_proxy =

It is allowed to use authentication parameters when using a proxy server.


api_proxy = http://<user>:<password>
Configure of API address for sending the scanning results into Nemesida WAF API.


api_uri =
The activation/deactivation parameter for displaying debugging information in to console.

Check vulnerabilities using Recheck.
The activation/deactivation parameter.
Parameters of connecting to Nemesida WAF Cabinet database.

For setting scanning parameters in directory /opt/nws/conf/ create file(s) with extension conf. For every web application it is necessary to create individual configuration file.

Configuration file example.conf
Default parameters
Parameter description

Main section.
Web application address in schema://domain|ip[:port] format.


target =
target =

Due to the specifics of the work of the filtering node the port used to access the web application is not stored in the database. This information must be taken into account when filling out the configuration file because when executing the Recheck function, the address from the target parameter of the corresponding configuration file will be used, provided that the value of the target parameter matches the value of the vhost field in the database (it is allowed to use www in the value of the field vhost).

Proxy server address for requests to the web application.


scan_proxy =

It is allowed to use authentication parameters when using a proxy server.


scan_proxy = http://<user>:<password>
Exclude the module when scanning.


exclude_modules = ba ca lfi rfi rce sde sqli ssti xss

Available modules:

  • ba – vulnerability search by «Broken Access Control» module;
  • ca – the cookie verification module, for example, the presence of the httponly flag;
  • lfi – vulnerability search by «Local File Inclusion» module;
  • rfi – vulnerability search by «Remote File Inclusion» module;
  • rce – vulnerability search by «Remote Code Execution» module;
  • sde – vulnerability search by «Sensitive Data Exposure» module;
  • sqli – vulnerability search by «SQL injection» module;
  • ssti – vulnerability search by «Server Side Template Injection» module;
  • xss – vulnerability search by «Cross-Site Scripting» module.

The parameter is set separately for each specific configuration file.

Authorization section.
Web application page address for the authorization.


auth_uri =

It is allowed to use a server address other than the one used by the target parameter.

Username and password for authorization.


login = your_login
password = your_password

If the web application uses non-standard names of username/password fields (for example, username and password), then the parameters login and password must be replaced with them.


username = your_login
password = your_password

Other information

Information about the scanning process by the Nemesida WAF Scanner module is contained in the event log of the module /var/log/nwaf/nws.log, and information about the operation of the module Recheck – in the event log /var/log/nwaf/nws-recheck.log.

Nemesida WAF Scanner Operating Modes:

  • Normal scan – standard scan with manual start. To start the scan, run the command nws in the console;
  • Scheduled scanning – periodic scanning of a web application based on /etc/cron.d/nws;
  • Mode Recheck – checking for vulnerabilities using Nemesida WAF Scanner in a specific parameter based on a blocked request (launch is performed using the functionality of the Nemesida WAF Cabinet).

If the database required for the operation of the Recheck module is used on a separate server, then it is necessary to provide access to it. To do this, make changes to the PostgreSQL configuration file pg_hba.conf.


# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5